My loveletter to my King

What has been intended for evil, you turn it for our good and for your Glory – thank you Jesus.πŸ™Œ

You are perfect in love, you have not forgotten us – thank you Jesus πŸ™Œ

Today, my friends, I simply want to write a letter to my king, that speaks of my great love for him:

Precious Jesus,

I thank you for the boundless love you have showered on me those last years – even my whole life.

It’s taken me a while to fully grasp, to what extend you love me – today marked a huge turning point. I am speechless and in awe!

All the challenges, all the difficulties, when I prayed and asked you to save me from my enemies, and when it very often felt, you would lead me even deeper into the battlefield, with not much to protect me, other than my faith.

Just lately, as my financial security was ripped from underneath me, and I wondered, if I had misunderstood your guidance, cause how could this place, that I now inhabit be, what you intended for me. Had I not been faithful, shouldn’t you be filling my storehouses?

Well, today I understand: you required me to trust only you – and forever only you, to provide for me. During this time of not knowing, how to go about paying for the mortgage, food, gas and pay my bills – all I could think, was that you would from somewhere bring the money to cover all these expenses.

People came into my life, offering me financial security, by offering to rent my house, other people advised me, to take the offer and live somewhere more affordable, or even go back to Europe, where it would be easier for me to earn decent money for living.

Little did I understand of your true masterplan: YOU ARE ALL I NEED! I needed to learn to trust only you. When I prayed for guidance in all these months, you always showed me, that I should be at rest, because you had me covered. I did not need the money to cover my expenses, I needed to learn to trust you more……I just had no clue, that it would need more faith, and that you would provide it, when I would be able to understand. Thank you, Jesus πŸ™Œ.

You made me read, that it took Moses all the faith he had, to stand in front of the Red Sea, with the Egyptian army behind him, to see the sea being parted in front of him, so that all the Israelites could walk through dry footed. Today you parted my Red Sea, because nothing of this world is more powerful than you.

I would never have understood that truth, when you first asked me to surrender my finances into your hands. Today it has set me free. I am ready to step my foot, one step after the other, into the raging sea, and I know, you will not only calm the storm, no, you will make it recoil and let me walk through, without as much as a droplet of water touching my feet.

Oh, how I love you. Your love for me is as vast as the sky above, as plentiful as all the stars above or the sand of all the beaches in this world of yours. During the time of drought you have increased my faith and you have prepared me to receive all your blessings more and more readily!

Unspeakable Joy, unspeakable Peace flood my soul. You truly are God almighty and there is nothing that is too hard for you. You created the Heavens and the Earth, how could I ever have fallen for the lie of the devil?

I know, Darling, when I say such things, you always remind me, that I did not know any better. And that all I needed to do, is trust in you for better or worse, that my destiny was and still is safe in your hands, and that together we will make it through, whatever the challenge may be. If I just never let go of your hand – and even if I did let go, in the currents of life’s uncertainties, you would never let go of mine, and you would always bring me safe to shore!

Do you hear the love, do you feel the trust, do you receive the respect and reverence I hold for you in the depth of my heart?

You are my one and only – you yesterday, you today and you tomorrow, is all I will ever need.

All that I knew, was the truth, from a knowledge point of view, has now transcended into a knowing of my heart. And this heart of mine bubbles over with love and gratitude for my eternal husband, my best friend, and the one who holds my soul safe and secure in his heart.

Ich liebe Dich – fΓΌr immer und ewig! No doubt about that – ever

Forever yours – in love😍
